Posted on 20th Nov 2020
Notice to bookstores: Our titles (with a few exceptions) are now distributed by Ingram Book Company. Please contact Ingram to place your bookstore order. If a title is not available through Ingram Book Company, please contact us to determine availability. THANK YOU!
Please note: We have a new fax number as of November 2020! The new number is 717-803-3008. Thank you for updating your records.
The New Social Worker Press is a new imprint of White Hat Communications. The new imprint will be the publisher of The New Social Worker magazine, as well as new social work book titles.The first book published by the new imprint is Real World Clinical Social Work: Find Your Voice and Find Your Way by [...]
White Hat Communications is the publisher of THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER magazine, THE NONPROFIT HANDBOOK, and more... Specializing in books and other items on nonprofit management and social work.