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by Thomas Horn, MSW, RSW
This book provides students and professional social workers with 101 different everyday scenarios and challenges them to think about what the ethical and unethical choices might be in each situation. Through examining these scenarios on their own and discussing them with classmates and others, they will become more familiar with the ethical guidelines and standards that they are or will be required to follow as professional social workers. Resources are listed, including Code of Ethics Web addresses for nine different social work associations, as well as ethics journals.
...if you need a resource to begin a discussion of ethics in a classroom or agency in-service, this workbook qualifies for Social Work Ethics 101. --Paul Dovyak, ACSW, LISW-S, University of Rio Grande, Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics
...the book is comprehensive in the presentation of ethical standards. Nothing seems to be left out. --Tayloe B. Compton, BSW candidate, and Stephen M. Marson, Ph.D., professor of sociology and criminal justice, University of North Carolina, Pembroke, The New Social Worker magazine