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Texas Nonprofit Handbook

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Product Description



by Gary M. Grobman


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The Texas Nonprofit Handbook  is the most up-to-date and useful publication for those starting a nonprofit or for those already operating one. This 445-page Handbook is based on the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Handbook,  originally published in 1992 with the help of more than two-dozen nonprofit executives and attorneys, and which was recently published in a 10th edition. Each easy-to-read chapter includes a synopsis, useful tips, and resources to obtain more information. This essential reference tool includes:




•    Information about current laws, court decisions, and regulations that apply to nonprofits in Texas

•    Practical advice on running a nonprofit, including chapters on grant-writing, communications, fundraising, quality management, insurance, lobbying, personnel, fiscal management, nonprofit ethics, and 21 other chapters

•    Information on applying for federal and Texas tax-exempt status

•    How to write effective grant applications

•    How to hire and fire

•    Internet resources for nonprofits

•    How to develop a strategic plan

•    How to plan for a program evaluation




"The Texas Nonprofit Handbook is a supurb compilation of nonprofit fundamentals all professional staff and volunteer leaders need to know to be effective and productive. Grobman presents it all in an easy to understand yet comprehensive fasion. There is much to mine within its covers for both new and experienced practitioners."

Barry Silverberg, Director, Center for Nonprofit Studies, Austin Community College


About the Author:

Gary M. Grobman (B.S. Drexel University, M.P.A. Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Ph.D., Penn State University) is special projects director for White Hat Communications, a Harrisburg-based publishing and nonprofit consulting organization formed in 1993. The title of Dr. Grobman’s doctoral dissertation is An Analysis of Codes of Ethics of Nonprofit, Tax-Exempt Membership Associations: Does Principal Constituency Make a Difference? He has taught nonprofit management classes as an adjunct faculty member at Bay Path College, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Marylhurst University, and Gratz College.

He served as the executive director of the Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition from 1983-1996. Prior to that, he was a senior legislative assistant in Washington for two members of Congress, a news reporter, and a political humor columnist for Roll Call. He also served as a lobbyist for public transit agencies. In 1987, he founded the Non-Profit Advocacy Network (NPAN), which consisted of more than 50 statewide associations that represented Pennsylvania charities.

He has served on the board of directors as an officer of the Greater Harrisburg Concert Band, the Harrisburg Area Road Runners Club, and the Citizens Service Project—the statewide 501(c)(3) that was established to promote citizen service in Pennsylvania. He is the author of The Holocaust—A Guide for Pennsylvania Teachers, The Nonprofit Handbook, Improving Quality and Performance in Your Non-Profit Organization, The Nonprofit Management Casebook, Ethics in Nonprofit Organizations, Just Don’t Do It! A Fractured and Irreverent Look at the Ph.D. Culture, and other books published by White Hat Communications and Wilder Publications (now Fieldstone).




Table of Contents 

Foreword by Barry Silverberg, Director, Center for Nonprofit Studies, Austin Community College



Quick Start Guide to Forming a Nonprofit Organization

Chapter 1. The Decision to Incorporate

Chapter 2. Steps to Incorporation

Chapter 3. Bylaws

Chapter 4. Nonprofit Governance

Chapter 5. Mission and Vision Statements

Chapter 6. Strategic Planning

Chapter 7. Nonprofit Organization Ethics

Chapter 8. Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status

Chapter 9. Liability, Risk Management, and Insurance

Chapter 10. Financial Management 

Chapter 11. Personnel

Chapter 12. Hiring, Evaluation, and Firing

Chapter 13. Volunteers

Chapter 14. Charitable Solicitation Registration

Chapter 15. Fundraising

Chapter 16. Writing Effective Grant Proposals

Chapter 17. Marketing

Chapter 18. Lobbying

Chapter 19. Political Activity by Nonprofits

Chapter 20. Communications and Public Relations

Chapter 21. The Internet for Nonprofits

Chapter 22. Fundraising on the Internet

Chapter 23. Forming and Running a Coalition

Chapter 24. Miscellaneous Administrative Issues

Chapter 25. Nonprofits and Small Business Competition

Chapter 26. State and Local Tax Exemptions

Chapter 27. Mergers and Consolidations

Chapter 28. Quality Issues

Chapter 29. Change Management

Chapter 30. Organization and Program Evaluation

Appendix A—Sample Bylaws        

Appendix B—Addresses of IRS Field Offices in TX   

Appendix C—Foundation Center Information Network Partners       

Appendix D—New Year’s Resolutions for Nonprofit Executives  

Appendix E—Sample Financal Reports (ARNOVA)             

Appendix F—Organizations and Publications

Appendix G—About the Author     

Appendix H—Reader Survey/Order Form   



For Further Reading

Key Word Index 



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